Client Testimonials

After 4 months of working with Patricia, I am amazed at the difference it has made in my life. I have dealt with moderate IBS symptoms for decades that often got in the way of doing the things I loved to do, like hiking and kayaking. Patricia suggested some lab testing that revealed opportunistic bacteria in my gut, as well as some unexpected food sensitivities. She designed a gut healing protocol for me and after only a couple of weeks I noticed several positive changes – less heartburn, fewer urgent trips to the bathroom, more energy, better sleep!

Cathy S.

I have always been very well informed about health and nutrition and for many years have stayed away from inflammatory foods like dairy and sugar. But it just wasn’t enough to address some of my issues: insomnia, anxiety, PMS, endometriosis, digestive discomfort… I did several lab tests that helped Patricia put together a protocol to improve my gut health, regulate my cortisol rhythm and balance my hormones. I’ve still got a ways to go, but definitely feel the benefits!

Melissa J.

My lab tests revealed serious overgrowth of candida and unfriendly bacteria that were likely contributing to my symptoms of stomach cramps, gas and bloating, and frequent urinary tract infections. Patricia put together an anti-candida diet that honored my commitment to vegetarianism. I feel better every day!

Erin S.

I was getting seriously worried about my health – my cholesterol markers were all out of range, I was having memory issues, and was heavily dependent on Zantac to deal with my heartburn. After a few months of following Patricia’s recommendations for diet, exercise and stress management, there has been considerable improvement in my lipid profile, I feel less foggy, I’ve lost 2-3 inches from my belly, and I am off the Zantac!

Sam K.

My mom worked with Patricia to help her lose weight and suggested I see if she could help with my acne. I was pretty skeptical that changing my diet would help with my acne, but I was proven wrong! I also just feel less stressed out – I stopped biting my fingernails and just feel more relaxed. Since my gut is healthier, I can now have sugar and gluten once in awhile without causing an outbreak.

Jake K.

After my thyroid surgery, I started gaining weight. Nothing seemed to work. I couldn’t exercise regularly because of back problems. With a combination of intermittent fasting and a low carb diet, Patricia helped me lose 30 pounds!

Yanira C.

At 70, I am very healthy and active. But my doctor was concerned that my cholesterol numbers were heading in the wrong direction. I wanted to see if I could control it with diet and exercise instead of going on a statin. Patricia helped me do just that! My doctor was impressed and asked for her contact information so she could recommend Patricia to some of her other patients.

Janice N.